The good folks over at St. John's United Church in Bonnyville are at it again and its going to be huge!
For three full days, they will be holding their fall rummage sale starting on Wednesday, September 22 from 1-6 p.m. and continuing on Thursday, Sept 23 from 1 until 8 p.m. The final day is Friday the 24th and they'll be open from 1 to 6 p.m. Check them out at the corner of 46 Street and 43rd Avenue. Of course you can always check them out every Sunday morning as well. Enjoy.
I've been missing in action lately because I got some kind of bug and its been tough to beat. Started out with the sniffles then progressed into the chest and parked there for the past 3 weeks. Been on all kinds of meds and a few home remedies and finally on a machine they call a nebulizer and I'm on that four times a day. Anyway the Doc found a little bit of pneumonia so they are trying to clear that up and this nebulizer and cocktail of stuff I'm breathing in is helping. That said I should be out and about in a few more days. I sure will miss one of my home remedies though. It was quite tasty. Take an ounce or so of lemon juice in a big mug. Add hot water then stir in a teaspoon of honey and top it off with a shot of amaretto. Now I know what the Italians get excited about. Slept like a baby. Kids don't try this at home.
I see the municipal elections are just around the corner and all the incumbents for Town council are throwing their hat in the ring. Also running is apprentice ship board senior consultant John Irwin. John is certainly no stranger to the political realm having served as president plus a number of other offices with the Bonnyville Cold Lake PC Association. It'll be interesting to see if any more heads pop up before registration closes on Monday, September 20. All positions are open so if you feel the urge to serve, step up, get five folks to nominate you and run. If not, make sure you get out and vote. Election day is Monday the 18th of October. Council positions with the MD of Bonnyville are also open so its going to be a busy day. I'm sure we'll hear more from all the current crop and hopefully from some more newcomers. Variety and a challenge is always good for business.
Speaking of elections, my cousin David Dorward is running for the Mayor's position in the city of Edmonton. Dave who is a CA has his own accounting firm in Edmonton and has a long association with politics in the Gold Bar area of Edmonton with the PC party. You can find out more about him on his new website -
Just got notice of a new scam that's going around aimed at businesses.
You might receive and invoice for a Business Directory CD Rom.
If you read through the invoice, there is a cost of $1500 Canadian
dollars for an International CD Rom of business addresses. Who knows if
this will ever be delivered. A company I know of received two of them in the last week.
The return address on the envelope is for a Spanish address. If you
were to sign off on the attached form, and return to the source, you
have signed a legally binding agreement to purchase this directory for
three years.
I don't know much more about it than that but just beware. Its amazing that these are out there but they must work or they wouldn't keep sending them. These scammers are very ingenious and have no compunction about taking your money. I had one that kept phoning me to sell me something similar. Actually she (the caller) insisted that I send the money right away because I was late with my renewal fee. I just kept asking her questions like when had I signed up and what the name of her company was and finally I told her I don't buy anything over the phone so send me you information by fax or mail and I'll look it over. Of course, nothing ever came because they were just scamming. There is another one that phones or invoices you for copier toner as well. You pay but you never receive. Make sure you check your invoices carefully and always ask for proposals in writing and references if you want.
Remember, its your money they are spending.
And finally, here's a little story for all the politicos out there.
"Daddy," a little girl asked her father, "do all fairy tales begin with 'Once upon a time'? "
"No, sweetheart," he answered. "Some begin with 'If I am elected.'"
Have a great week. Dave