Here's a story I'm pleased put up and I hope it brings in a scad of money to help out a friend. Here's the story as sent to me plus some pics as well.
To All Concerned:
As you all know Ray Murphy has experienced a devastating spinal accident and is currently undergoing extensive therapy. It has also impacted his family and is going to continue to do so for sometime to come. Ray's day to day activities before the accident were normally quite intensive from what most of us know of him as fellow neighbors, friends, and business associates. Ray will be
confined to a wheelchair and will therefore be limited to his home. Ray will be released
from the Glenrose on or about early to mid March.
We have known Ray for quite a number of years, as well as most of you know that are receiving these
letters. We all know that Ray has been a great neighbor and friend - all ways willing to help and go out of his way to do so. Pasturing next to Ray, where fences would get broken down and cattle
would get mixed up was never a problem with Ray. He would always say don't worry about it, we will deal with it in time, we will just fix the fence for now. Good neighbors like Ray are hard to come
by, as we all know. Enough said, you've got the idea. What we are proposing, in order to give
Ray more mobility so he will not be confined to the house is a 4X4 all terrain wheelchair.
(picture enclosed).
To make this short, we will be canvasing business, neighbors, and friends for donations for the
purchase of this chair. We feel this is an excellent cause, as we had first anticipated a wheelchair
lift for his house, but that was donated by Ray's cousin in Edmonton.
The cost of the 4X4 all terrain wheelchair will be @ $18,000.00 us. (+ freight).
In closing, if you plan to donate, please give what you can afford. Any left over money will
be donated to Ray & Leona Murphy to renovate their house to accommodate Ray's needs.
We believe this is the least we could do for a good neighbor, friend, and business associate.
If more information is required, please call:
Calvin & Lori Sales - 780-826-4481
Ed & Shirley Persley - 780-826-2992
Emil & Lorry Leguerrier – 780-826-5151
Western Pride Auction (Mark Jubinville) – 780-826-2233
We would appreciate all donations made by February 22, 2010.
Please make cheques payable to : Ray Murphy Wheelchair Fund
Mail to: Emil Leguerrier
Box 7993
Bonnyville, Alberta
T9N 2J3
OR can give donations to the above names mentioned.
Here's a story and photo of the chair for Ray.
Call any of these folks today and give what you can.
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