And in case you haven't heard, there's a Giant one A' Comin' !!!! This one is just a little jaunt outside of town to Eastbourne Hall at the top of the hill just west of Hoselaw Corner. It's coming this weekend.
Eastbourne Hall
Friday April 23 from 10 AM to 7 PM
Saturday April 24 from 9 AM to 3 PM
Ya know its a shame that the old service station couldn't be used for something. It was always a great place to stop for Ice Cream or other goodies on the way into the Big Smoke or coming home. I'm not even sure who owns the place now. The last thing I heard was that even the bank had given up and turned it back over to the MD. It would be interesting to see what they'd find if they tested that ground again.
Something has gotten into my blog spot and its making things act a little weird. Like my return key seems to stick to the end of the sentence and when I hit it several times it finally lets go and runs off down the page.
This warm weather has got the Gardener's Itch running High in a bunch of folks. I set up a green house for the Missus a couple of weekends ago and she has been filling it and emptying it in case it freezes at night so our house has quite an earthy smell to it. Oh wait a minute those are just my socks. (just kidding folks). In any case the missus is chomping at the bit to get growing and has likely bought about $4 Grand worth of seeds. I can't believe how much they cost now. She showed me a little pack of wave petunias and the seeds were so small they actually packed them in a little plastic vial inside the bag. There were only about 5 or 6 seeds and the package cost nearly $5 Bucks! Those petunias better do a heck of a lot more than wave. For that price they should dance a bit too.
We're going to try a couple of experiments this year in the garden and I hope they work out. Last year we planted our potatoes in a straw bed above ground but the dry year didn't help. We had done that once before down on the farm and it worked really well. Lots of big white potatoes without any scab or scale. Once they matured, you could just reach in under the straw and pull out the potatoes you needed for supper and leave the rest undisturbed. It was like picking eggs from the hen house when I was a kid. Anyway, a nosey heifer decided to check out the garden one day and discovered these juicy potatoes under the straw. She liked them A LOT. She didn't get them all though so we had a pretty good feed. I know she developed a real taste for spuds though because when we were hauling her to market we went by a fast food place and she started to beller like crazy. She must have smelled the fries or....maybe she knew where her trip might end.
Can you imagine, the ticket line up for Johnny Reid went all the way across the rotunda at the Centennial Centre last Friday. By mid afternoon, they had sold 1100 tickets and all of the sky box seats. Amazing. Johnny's pretty popular so I'm sure it'll be a sell out. I wonder who gets to collect the interest on the money cause the concert isn't until September 24th.
Randy Travis is here on May 5th and you can still get tickets for his concert.
Well my computer is still being goofy so I'll sign off for a bit and bring you more news a bit later. Have a great week. Dave
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