Condolences to all of the Saskatchewan Roughrider fans who have to head home this morning without a Grey cup for the second time. there will be sadness and moaning in the coffee shops but time will heal the wounds and they'll likely be back again because that is the resilience of Saskatchewan fans. Until next time folks in the meantime thanks for the entertainment.
Speaking of entertainment, don't forget the Society Singers concert on Dec 2nd in the Centennial Centre field house. Start time is 7 p.m. and they'll take a silver collection in support of the Knights of Columbus Christmas hamper program.
Still in an entertainment vein, if you are around for New Year's Eve you can head up to Sandy Rapids Hall and spend it with Tiffany Dowhan and the folks from that area. Tickets are just $30 each and include dinner and dancing plus plenty of good times. Doors open at 5 p.m., dinner is at 6:30 and the dance starts at 9 p.m. For tickets or more information, contact Lenore at 780-826-5407 or Patti at 780-826-7443.
You might also want to call Lenore if you support those folks in their objection to the RII North America project to recover oil using an underground combustion process. Apparently they only have until December 2 to submit a letter of objection. Call her for more details on how you can help or just for more intormation. The test area is located above and between two of the most important aquifers in this whole region and their concern is for the potential, accidental contamination of this important water source.
Spent time with some great company on Saturday night over in Mallaig with the Haying in the 30s volunteers for our annual Christmas Potluck supper. It is amazing how that meal comes together without anybody making lists or deciding who brings what. Long time board member Don Katerenych from St. Paul stepped down so he could devote more time to his farming operation in Saskatchewan so there is an opening if anyone would like to step up to the plate just contact Norm Theroux in St. Paul or Edgar Corbierre in Mallaig. You'll be most welcomed and will meet some of the most dedicated people I've every come across.
Speaking of Edgar Corbierre, he has penned a short book about his life history including his ancestors trek here from Quebec and the trials and tribulations they faced coming to settle a new land. He made it primarily for his family members but its a pretty interesting read about how they managed with very little to tame this harsh land.
A rescue party reached a downed airplane in the remote wilderness and pried the door of the plane open to find the lone survivor dining on a human bone. In fact he was surrounded by a pile of human bones. "My God man, what have you done?" said the leader of the rescue party. "Hey, don't judge me" the survivor said. "I had to survive!" "Yes," the leader said "but the plane just crashed yesterday!" Have a great week. Dave
Monday, November 29, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Health Care problem the ME problem
Stop the crap already. I'm sick and tired of everyone pointing fingers in this health care situation in Alberta. We've got the Medical profession lining up on one side of the fence pointing fingers at the government and an upstart political group #wap using all of this posturing to draw attention to them and their instant- ill-thought solutions. We've also got a public that sometimes abuses the system by tying up critical services with minor ailments instead of using clinics that should be designed to handle those cases. Then you've got health board members quitting because they feel they've been pressured into making a decision that frankly was warranted. Yes, ME, ME, ME. Everyone wants what's good for me without ever thinking about the silent majority that just wants to earn a living, enjoy leisure with their families and friends, have access to quality health care and education and a clean environment in which to live.
This morning's news literally shouted that the Doc's are lining up to point fingers at Premier Stelmach and former Health Minister Liepert. They wanted them to fix the problem in the ERs. Wait a minute, this is not a new problem. It goes back further than 2 or 3 years ago. My family, and I'm sure that other families, can bring forth stories of delays and long waits for care in our medical facilities. So why all of a sudden is there a big panic and why aren't the Doc's and their support staff accepting some of the responsibility for what's happened. Asking the government to fix it is akin to a business asking the government to rush in and fix their problems for them without taking responsibility for how they got there in the first place.
Don't get me wrong and paint me with an I hate doc's label I just believe that solving the problem should begin in their own house. There are excellent physicians and nurses who do an amazing job. That's what they trained for, get paid for and have a passion for and I'm glad we have those people who continue to do their job and avoid all the posturing and chest thumping that draws the attention of a pool of media sharks who smell the blood of dissent and pounce on it with all the frenzy of their aquatic namesakes.
So to all of you, don't tell us what the other guy isn't doing, tell us how you ALL are going to fix it by working together. ME, ME, ME just doesn't cut it anymore. Remember, when you are pointing your finger at someone else, there are still three pointing back at you.
This morning's news literally shouted that the Doc's are lining up to point fingers at Premier Stelmach and former Health Minister Liepert. They wanted them to fix the problem in the ERs. Wait a minute, this is not a new problem. It goes back further than 2 or 3 years ago. My family, and I'm sure that other families, can bring forth stories of delays and long waits for care in our medical facilities. So why all of a sudden is there a big panic and why aren't the Doc's and their support staff accepting some of the responsibility for what's happened. Asking the government to fix it is akin to a business asking the government to rush in and fix their problems for them without taking responsibility for how they got there in the first place.
Don't get me wrong and paint me with an I hate doc's label I just believe that solving the problem should begin in their own house. There are excellent physicians and nurses who do an amazing job. That's what they trained for, get paid for and have a passion for and I'm glad we have those people who continue to do their job and avoid all the posturing and chest thumping that draws the attention of a pool of media sharks who smell the blood of dissent and pounce on it with all the frenzy of their aquatic namesakes.
So to all of you, don't tell us what the other guy isn't doing, tell us how you ALL are going to fix it by working together. ME, ME, ME just doesn't cut it anymore. Remember, when you are pointing your finger at someone else, there are still three pointing back at you.
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This |
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Oops, I jumped the gun a little.
Yes, I checked yesterday and the Christmas tree display at the Centennial Centre isn't up until next week or like the start of the first week of December. Speaking of which did you know that we're only one month away - that's only 30 days from Christmas Day. Have you got your shopping done yet? I haven't started. Its going to be crazy. Three grandson's to buy for two lovely little granddaughters and four kids and their spouses or significant others. Oh and I better not forget the Missus. HO HO HO a shopping we will go.
My condolences go out to the Kindraka family on the recent passing of Alex Kindraka. My dad and I sold Alex's purebred Hereford production sales for years - first in our auction market in St. Paul and then Alex built a great sales barn out at the farm north of Glendon and the sales continued their with his wife Nellie and the daughters in law and friends providing the meal afterward and a couple of the guys playing guitar and daughter Carie Anne singing after the sale. Glendon Pine Herefords were classic dark red, big framed cattle that always had great buyer demand selling to buyers across Alberta and points beyond. Prayers for Alex will be held in the Glendon RCMP Hall on Thursday, November 25 at 7 p.m. The funeral service will take place in the same location the following day at 10 a.m. Rest in peace Alex.
I hear that the Bonnyville Friendship centre is holding their annual Christmas dinner at the Beaver River Fish and Game building on Saturday, December 18th. For more information call them at 826-3374.
The Bonnyville Pontiacs are holding their annual Pub Night on Saturday, November 27 starting at 6 p.m. for more info or tickets ($50 each including dinner and entertainment) call Janice or Vickie at the Pontiacs office -780-826-2893.
Have a great week. Dave
My condolences go out to the Kindraka family on the recent passing of Alex Kindraka. My dad and I sold Alex's purebred Hereford production sales for years - first in our auction market in St. Paul and then Alex built a great sales barn out at the farm north of Glendon and the sales continued their with his wife Nellie and the daughters in law and friends providing the meal afterward and a couple of the guys playing guitar and daughter Carie Anne singing after the sale. Glendon Pine Herefords were classic dark red, big framed cattle that always had great buyer demand selling to buyers across Alberta and points beyond. Prayers for Alex will be held in the Glendon RCMP Hall on Thursday, November 25 at 7 p.m. The funeral service will take place in the same location the following day at 10 a.m. Rest in peace Alex.
I hear that the Bonnyville Friendship centre is holding their annual Christmas dinner at the Beaver River Fish and Game building on Saturday, December 18th. For more information call them at 826-3374.
The Bonnyville Pontiacs are holding their annual Pub Night on Saturday, November 27 starting at 6 p.m. for more info or tickets ($50 each including dinner and entertainment) call Janice or Vickie at the Pontiacs office -780-826-2893.
Have a great week. Dave
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Have you seen the trees yet?
Just wondering if you've seen the decorated trees yet at the Centennial Centre. I haven't but I'm going to take a look. They even have one there with different wines that you can bid on. Talk about a Merry Christmas.
Yikes, I missed the Ft. Kent seniors monthly breakfast on the 21st. They usually fall on the 3rd Sunday of each month but I'm expecting they won't have another until January what with Christmas approaching and all that. I'll find out and let you know.
Boy lots of heat in the Leg in Edmonton over Dr. Sherman, Dr. Duckett and the whole Alberta Health Services group. Why can't people get along. I do believe its time to light a fire under Ducketts tail and send him back home. Surely we must have a Canadian with enough brains to work on this on going debacle.
Yikes, I missed the Ft. Kent seniors monthly breakfast on the 21st. They usually fall on the 3rd Sunday of each month but I'm expecting they won't have another until January what with Christmas approaching and all that. I'll find out and let you know.
Boy lots of heat in the Leg in Edmonton over Dr. Sherman, Dr. Duckett and the whole Alberta Health Services group. Why can't people get along. I do believe its time to light a fire under Ducketts tail and send him back home. Surely we must have a Canadian with enough brains to work on this on going debacle.
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Dr. Raj Sherman |
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Taking a cookie walk |
Monday, November 22, 2010
There are carols in the air
Yes, with the first snow of the season and the brisk temps. (Did I say brisk? They're down right frigid.) Anyway, back to the story. With thoughts of sugar plums dancing in our heads what better than a Christmas concert or Chorale Fest.
Mark this date on your calendar and join the Bonnyville Society Singers for their annual Christmas Charale Fest - December 2 at 7 p.m. in the Centennial Centre Field House. They'll be taking a silver collection at the door that will be donated to the Knights of Columbus and the Christmas Hamper program. Great entertainment and a terrific cause.
Not to get ahead of myself but here's an early announcement for New Year's Eve so you can shop now for that new frock. The Sandy River Community group will be holding a New Year's Eve Dinner and Dance at the Sandy Rapids Hall on Highway 55 west of Iron River. There'll be cocktails, dinner and dancing to the music of Tiffany Dowhan. I'll have more info a little later on as they are just getting the tickets printed so I don't want to rush anyone.
Lots of annual meetings coming up as well like the Bonnyville Ag Society on Wednesday, November 24 upstairs in the board room at C2. Then the Bonnyville Cold Lake PC Association hold their meeting the next night at the Bonnyville Senior Citizens centre at 7 p.m. And, the Bonnyville Pro Rodeo and Chuckwagon Association will hold their AGM on Thursday, December 2 at the Neighborhood Inn. Busy Town, Busy People.
Took a quick trip to Cold Lake to see some of my clients and low and behold, its paved all the way to the lake now. The wet summer weather held that job up interminably and it was getting treacherous or at least really rough to drive on. Its going to be beautiful when they get it all finished. (I'm thinking next spring now).
Meanwhile, up in Iron River, discussions are ongoing re a new controversial recovery process for heavy oil. Follow this story by clicking on the link below.
Mark this date on your calendar and join the Bonnyville Society Singers for their annual Christmas Charale Fest - December 2 at 7 p.m. in the Centennial Centre Field House. They'll be taking a silver collection at the door that will be donated to the Knights of Columbus and the Christmas Hamper program. Great entertainment and a terrific cause.
Not to get ahead of myself but here's an early announcement for New Year's Eve so you can shop now for that new frock. The Sandy River Community group will be holding a New Year's Eve Dinner and Dance at the Sandy Rapids Hall on Highway 55 west of Iron River. There'll be cocktails, dinner and dancing to the music of Tiffany Dowhan. I'll have more info a little later on as they are just getting the tickets printed so I don't want to rush anyone.
Lots of annual meetings coming up as well like the Bonnyville Ag Society on Wednesday, November 24 upstairs in the board room at C2. Then the Bonnyville Cold Lake PC Association hold their meeting the next night at the Bonnyville Senior Citizens centre at 7 p.m. And, the Bonnyville Pro Rodeo and Chuckwagon Association will hold their AGM on Thursday, December 2 at the Neighborhood Inn. Busy Town, Busy People.
Took a quick trip to Cold Lake to see some of my clients and low and behold, its paved all the way to the lake now. The wet summer weather held that job up interminably and it was getting treacherous or at least really rough to drive on. Its going to be beautiful when they get it all finished. (I'm thinking next spring now).
Meanwhile, up in Iron River, discussions are ongoing re a new controversial recovery process for heavy oil. Follow this story by clicking on the link below.
Residents air concerns over experimental oil technology
Sunday, November 14, 2010
It's been a while
Hi and welcome back. It's been a while since I've had time to post anything so here goes.
I was fortunate enough to attend the Alberta PC Party AGM in Calgary a couple of weeks ago and was blown away by all the positive activity that permeated the weekend. Policies were presented that had all of our input from the spring session in February and we got to vote on them after discussion of course.
More than 1500 people participated in the weekend event and Premier Ed was warmly received with a standing ovation that went on for quite a while. The momentum that was built at that event will swell and there is a new reason to be glad I live in Alberta.
While we're at it, the AGM for the Bonnyville / Cold Lake PC Constituency is slated for Thursday, November 25 at 7 p.m. in the Bonnyville Senior's Drop in Centre - Pioneer Room. Nominations for new board members will be accepted and an election of officers will take place. Then its on to our special guests.
Join us to dialogue with the Hon. Lloyd Snelgrove - President of the Treasury Board and the Hon. Ray Danyluk - Minister of Infrastructure. Of course, our own MLA Genia Leskiw will be there as well. New memberships for 2011 will be available so come on out and participate in the future of your province.
Just a reminder about another local event that's coming up as well. A Night of Music will be held Sunday, December 5 at 7:00 PM at St. John's United Church (corner of 43 Ave & 46 St in Bonnyville) Silver collection for Dr. Margaret Savage Centre. Lunch to follow.
Here's a couple of other goodies before I sign off. The Bonnyville Seniors Centre will be holding a breakfast starting in the new year on the first and 3rd Sunday of each month. They'll also be offering lunch on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month as well. They've also got a great floor curling league over there and when I dropped in the other day, every rink was full and a couple of people were waiting on the side lines. So, if you're a senior and your looking for a little action, why not drop in. There's always something going on.
A friend of mine sent me some old pics of Edmonton and I'm posting one below. See if you can identify it. No prizes, just fun but let me know and maybe I can come up with a prize or two. I'll post more in the coming weeks. Keep coming back to try your luck at guessing.
I was fortunate enough to attend the Alberta PC Party AGM in Calgary a couple of weeks ago and was blown away by all the positive activity that permeated the weekend. Policies were presented that had all of our input from the spring session in February and we got to vote on them after discussion of course.
More than 1500 people participated in the weekend event and Premier Ed was warmly received with a standing ovation that went on for quite a while. The momentum that was built at that event will swell and there is a new reason to be glad I live in Alberta.
While we're at it, the AGM for the Bonnyville / Cold Lake PC Constituency is slated for Thursday, November 25 at 7 p.m. in the Bonnyville Senior's Drop in Centre - Pioneer Room. Nominations for new board members will be accepted and an election of officers will take place. Then its on to our special guests.

Just a reminder about another local event that's coming up as well. A Night of Music will be held Sunday, December 5 at 7:00 PM at St. John's United Church (corner of 43 Ave & 46 St in Bonnyville) Silver collection for Dr. Margaret Savage Centre. Lunch to follow.
Here's a couple of other goodies before I sign off. The Bonnyville Seniors Centre will be holding a breakfast starting in the new year on the first and 3rd Sunday of each month. They'll also be offering lunch on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month as well. They've also got a great floor curling league over there and when I dropped in the other day, every rink was full and a couple of people were waiting on the side lines. So, if you're a senior and your looking for a little action, why not drop in. There's always something going on.
A friend of mine sent me some old pics of Edmonton and I'm posting one below. See if you can identify it. No prizes, just fun but let me know and maybe I can come up with a prize or two. I'll post more in the coming weeks. Keep coming back to try your luck at guessing.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Here's something that might help with your Christmas shopping
I came across this site the other day and thought I'd share it with you. It's called I can't believe how many items they have from kid's toys to the latest electronics and everything in between. Have a look at the carousel below and let me know what you think. Thanks for dropping by.
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