I was fortunate enough to attend the Alberta PC Party AGM in Calgary a couple of weeks ago and was blown away by all the positive activity that permeated the weekend. Policies were presented that had all of our input from the spring session in February and we got to vote on them after discussion of course.
More than 1500 people participated in the weekend event and Premier Ed was warmly received with a standing ovation that went on for quite a while. The momentum that was built at that event will swell and there is a new reason to be glad I live in Alberta.
While we're at it, the AGM for the Bonnyville / Cold Lake PC Constituency is slated for Thursday, November 25 at 7 p.m. in the Bonnyville Senior's Drop in Centre - Pioneer Room. Nominations for new board members will be accepted and an election of officers will take place. Then its on to our special guests.

Just a reminder about another local event that's coming up as well. A Night of Music will be held Sunday, December 5 at 7:00 PM at St. John's United Church (corner of 43 Ave & 46 St in Bonnyville) Silver collection for Dr. Margaret Savage Centre. Lunch to follow.
Here's a couple of other goodies before I sign off. The Bonnyville Seniors Centre will be holding a breakfast starting in the new year on the first and 3rd Sunday of each month. They'll also be offering lunch on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month as well. They've also got a great floor curling league over there and when I dropped in the other day, every rink was full and a couple of people were waiting on the side lines. So, if you're a senior and your looking for a little action, why not drop in. There's always something going on.
A friend of mine sent me some old pics of Edmonton and I'm posting one below. See if you can identify it. No prizes, just fun but let me know and maybe I can come up with a prize or two. I'll post more in the coming weeks. Keep coming back to try your luck at guessing.
Jasper Ave & 102 Ave circa 1957 in front of the Huson's Bay Store. ;)