Friday, November 26, 2010

Health Care problem the ME problem

Stop the crap already. I'm sick and tired of everyone pointing fingers in this health care situation in Alberta. We've got the Medical profession lining up on one side of the fence pointing fingers at the government and an upstart political group #wap using all of this posturing to draw attention to them and their instant- ill-thought solutions. We've also got a public that sometimes abuses the system by tying up critical services with minor ailments instead of using clinics that should be designed to handle those cases. Then you've got health board members quitting because they feel they've been pressured into making a decision that frankly was warranted. Yes, ME, ME, ME.  Everyone wants what's good for me without ever thinking about the silent majority that just wants to earn a living, enjoy leisure with their families and friends, have access to quality health care and education and a clean environment in which to live.

This morning's news literally shouted that the Doc's are lining up to point fingers at Premier Stelmach and former Health Minister Liepert. They wanted them to fix the problem in the ERs. Wait a minute, this is not a new problem. It goes back further than 2 or 3 years ago. My family, and I'm sure that other families, can bring forth stories of delays and long waits for care in our medical facilities. So why all of a sudden is there a big panic and why aren't the Doc's and their support staff accepting some of the responsibility for what's happened. Asking the government to fix it is akin to a business asking the government to rush in and fix their problems for them without taking responsibility for how they got there in the first place.

Don't get me wrong and paint me with an I hate doc's label I just believe that solving the problem should begin in their own house. There are excellent physicians and nurses who do an amazing job. That's what they trained for, get paid for and have a passion for and I'm glad we have those people who continue to do their job and avoid all the posturing and chest thumping that draws the attention of a pool of media sharks who smell the blood of dissent and pounce on it with all the frenzy of their aquatic namesakes.

So to all of you, don't tell us what the other guy isn't doing, tell us how you ALL are going to fix it by working together. ME, ME, ME just doesn't cut it anymore. Remember, when you are pointing your finger at someone else, there are still three pointing back at you.
Not this

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