Friday, December 3, 2010

the Spirit of Christmas is in the air

The Festival of Trees has taken over the hub of the Centennial Centre and will run through until December 5th. The trees are all donated by local businesses and then decorated by Doreen Kushnir and her crew. They will be sold off later on and the proceeds is going towards Haying in the 30s a local support society for people with cancer. There's even one special tree that is decorated with a multitude of wines that have been donated by locally owned beverage stores. Thanks to all who contributed. Its a great way to get the Spirit of Christmas running through your mind. Take the kids, take Grandma and Grandpa, take yourself.
How about the Oilers. They blanked the Toronto Maple Leafs in their own barn. A nice three game sweep in the east on the road. Meanwhile in Calgary folks are jumping off the Flame wagon faster than grasshoppers from a burning hayfield. My how times change.
I see that the town crews were out the other day hanging the lamp post decorations. Their seems to be a few new items there that are more banners than decorations. They don't have any lights on them but they are colorful. The only trouble is they say, Seasons Greetings and Happy Holidays but I haven't seen one that says Merry Christmas. Are we being too politically correct? Can you imagine singing this song. "We wish you a Seasons Greetings, we wish you a Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year." I think there's supposed to be a Merry Christmas in there somewhere.
Its also nice to see a number of stores who have painted their windows in celebration of the season.
If you missed the Society Singers last night at the C2, there's still a chance to catch a the night of Music at the United Church in Bonnyville. Sunday, December 5th is the day. There will even be a lunch afterward.
The Santa Claus at the shopping mall was very surprised when Emily, ayoung lady aged about 20 years old walked up and sat on his lap.  Now, we all know that Santa doesn't usually take requests from adults, but she smiled very nicely at him, so he asked her, 'What do you want for Christmas?'
'Something for my mother, please,' replied Emily sweetly.
'Something for your mother? Well, that's very loving and thoughtful of you,' smiled Santa. 'What do would you like me to bring her?'
Without turning a hair Emily answered quickly, 'A son-in-law.'
Have a great day. Dave

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